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Hymenopus Coronatus


"Orchid Mantis"


This stunning mantis has colors ranging from white to pink, more rarely yellowish. This specie have different traits depending on the gender, called sexual dimorphism. Females can be recognize by the green color of the thorax's collar, males by its brown color. They both have wings. Females can grow up to 5 - 7 cm (~2,5 inch) long, while males only grow up to 3 cm (~1 inch). Since their being much smaller, they also mature more quickly than females, which an average lifespan of five to six month for a male, against 5 to 10 months for a female.

Natural habitat

They are found in the rain forests of Southeast Asia, mostly Malaysia, south of China, Laos and Thailand. They are diurnal and climb on flowers.


A terrarium of 20x20x20cm (8x8x8 inch) would be good for a single adult specimen. The humidity needs to be controlled ; It needs to stay around 50 to 60%. Watering 4 - 7 times a week depending on the season is primordial. The day temperature needs to be between 25 to 32°C (77 - 90°f). The night temperature needs to get down to 18 to 25°C (64 - 77°f).

Coco fiber or peat moss are adequate for the substrate. A pink plant is recommanded as orchid mantis have the ability to change color if they spend enough time on a plant at a young age.


They prey on various types of flying insects in the wild. The same applies in captivity : they can be fed flys, or small butterflies. They drink from the water droplets.


When mating, the male signals its presence once on the female by drumming its elytra with its captors. 15 days to a month after, the female lays her first clutch. Others may come every two to three weeks. The clutches needs to be incubated between 22 to 28°C (), with a humidity around 70% for at least 40 days.

40 to 150 babies will hatch from the first clutches, while the next one will only hatch around 20.

Protection status


Hymenopus Coronatus

art by @Deslly_Press

The Odd Bestiary © 2023 by Delta.

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