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Gonyosoma Oxycephalum

"Red-tailed Green Rat Snake"



This beautiful snake length betweet 160 cm (5"2) and 220 cm (7"2) long, with females found up to 260 cm (8"5). Depending on the origins, two variations exists :

  • The common green variant originates from Thaïland

Their body is vibrant green, with the scales border being black and white. The green turns to reddish and grey near the end of the tail. Their head is green, with a separation at the jaw.

  • The grey variant originates from the island of Java

Their body is grey, with occasionnal yellow scales ponctuating the body. Their head is yellow, with sometimes touches of green.

Regardless of locality, all newborns keep their colors are adulthood. They don't go through the color changing process like Gonyosomas Boulangeri or Frenatum.

They have an average livespan of 15 years.

Like the others Gonyosoma, this colubridae is pretty nervous, the Oxycephalum being known for its aggressivity. They won't bite immediately if they feel threatened ; They inflates their upper body to look bigger, and slowly move their blue tongue before adopting the classic "S" position or bite. They will try to flee after a stressful encounter. If they attack, they can use their tail or bite. While this snake's bite is harmeless, adult bites can be painful like a cat's claw. They remain a pretty shy specie overall.

Natural habitat

This specie has a very large distribution area across South-East Asia, commonly found in Indonesia, Malaysia and Laos to cite a few. They are diurnal and arboreal specie, living in tropical rainforests and thriving in mangrove swamps. While they can go into the water and swim, they usually stay in branches preying on birds. The Java specimens tends to stay more on the ground, which might be the cause to their greyish colors.


A spacious terrarium is recommanded for this specie. A 120x60x80 (4"x2"x3") would be good for a single adult specimen. It must be equiped with a heat source, a water bowl big enough for the snake to get in, a thermometer and a hygrometer. I would also recommand a bioactive terrarium, with a loose and absorbent substrate like blonde peat or coconut humus. It needs many branchs on different heights, mosly placed horizontally, and an elevated hiding place such as a bird nest box. The humidity needs to be controlled ; It needs to stay around 50 to 70%. The day temperature needs to be between 24 to 26°C, with a hot spot at 29°C maximum. The night temperature needs to get down to ~20°C

Nice plants suited for this terrarium :


They usually drink from the water dropplets fell on them or the leaves. In the wild, they feed primarely on birds and rodent. In captivity, they eat mice and rats.


Oviparous, the female lays between 2 to 8 eggs per clutch.

When the eggs are laid, they need to be incubated at 29°C (84°F) for around 90 days. When they hatch, the newborns length approximatively 45 cm (18 inch).

Protection status

Least concern, IUCN 3.1


art by @Deslly_Press

The Odd Bestiary © 2023 by Delta.

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